Unsupervised analysis

After you have apply search step to all four sequence files (1c.fa, 1d.fa, 2c.fa, and 2d.fa in ~/Desktop/SSUsearch/data/test/data), set another directory for unsupervised analysis:

cd ~/Desktop/SSUsearch
mkdir -p ./workdir/clust

Set parameters:

Prefix='SS'    # name for the analysis run
Java_xmx='4g'  # increase this if your machine has more memory

# get absolute path
Script_dir=$(readlink -f ${Script_dir})
Wkdir=$(readlink -f ${Wkdir})
Mcclust_jar=$(readlink -f ${Mcclust_jar})
Design=$(readlink -f ${Design})

Go the clust direcory:

cd ./workdir/clust

Replace ‘:’ with ‘_’ in sequence names (original illumina name has ‘:’ in them, mothur do this automatically):

sed -i 's/:/_/g' $Wkdir/*.ssu.out/*.forclust
echo "*** Replace ':' with '_' in seq names (original illumina name has ':' in them)"

Combine all the aligned sequences from each sample:

cat $Wkdir/*.ssu.out/*.forclust > combined_seqs.afa

Make group file for mcclust and mothur. First part of the file basename will be the group label, e.g. file “aa.bb.cc” will have “aa” as group label:

python $Script_dir/make-groupfile.py $Prefix.groups $Wkdir/*.ssu.out/*.forclust

Dereplication with mcclust:

echo "*** Starting mcclust derep.."
time java -Xmx$Java_xmx -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$Java_gc_threads -jar $Mcclust_jar derep -a -o derep.fasta temp.mcclust.names temp.txt combined_seqs.afa
rm temp.txt

Precluster to collapse sequences with 1 base difference (most likely caused by sequencing errors):

#Convert mcclust names to mothur names
python $Script_dir/mcclust2mothur_names_file.py temp.mcclust.names temp.mothur.names

echo "***starting preclust.."
# output: derep.precluster.fasta, derep.precluster.names
mothur "#pre.cluster(fasta=derep.fasta, diffs=1, name=temp.mothur.names)"

#Convert names back to mcclust
python $Script_dir/mothur2mcclust_names_file.py derep.precluster.names $Prefix.names

Make distance matrix:

time java -Xmx$Java_xmx -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$Java_gc_threads -jar $Mcclust_jar dmatrix -l 25 -o matrix.bin -i $Prefix.names -I derep.precluster.fasta

Clustering with mcclust:

time java -Xmx$Java_xmx -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$Java_gc_threads -jar $Mcclust_jar cluster -m upgma -i $Prefix.names -s $Prefix.groups -o complete.clust -d matrix.bin

Convert clust results to mothur list:

python $Script_dir/mcclust2mothur-list-cutoff.py complete.clust $Prefix.list $Otu_dist_cutoff

Get representitives of each OTU at OTU distance cutoff defined at top of this page:

java -jar $Mcclust_jar rep-seqs -c -l -s complete.clust $Otu_dist_cutoff combined_seqs.afa
mv complete.clust_rep_seqs.fasta otu_rep_align.fa

Get OTU table:

mothur "#make.shared(list=$Prefix.list, group=$Prefix.groups, label=$Otu_dist_cutoff);"

Get consensus taxonomy for each OTU:

cat $Wkdir/*.ssu.out/*.silva.taxonomy > $Prefix.taxonomy
mothur "#classify.otu(list=$Prefix.list, taxonomy=$Prefix.taxonomy, label=$Otu_dist_cutoff)"

Make biom file:

mothur "#make.biom(shared=$Prefix.shared, constaxonomy=$Prefix.$Otu_dist_cutoff.cons.taxonomy)"
mv $Prefix.$Otu_dist_cutoff.biom $Prefix.biom

# clean up tempfiles
rm -f mothur.*.logfile *rabund complete* derep.fasta matrix.bin nonoverlapping.bin temp.*

With SS.groups, SS.names and SS.list, most diversity analysis can be done by mothur. You can look at mothur wiki for details (Do not forgot to do even sampling before beta-diversity analysis).

SS.biom file can used in most tools. (qiime, rdp, and phyloseq)

Since the purpose of this tutorial is to show our new pipeline, we will skip details of community analysis with mothur. Following are some common commands in mothur:

# mothur is inconsistent with the "Label" in files names. I have seens either "dummy" or "useLabel“
# "dummy" for 1.33.3; "userLabel" for 1.34.4
mothur "#make.shared(biom=$Prefix.biom); sub.sample(shared=$Prefix.shared); summary.single(calc=nseqs-coverage-sobs-chao-shannon-invsimpson); dist.shared(calc=braycurtis); pcoa(phylip=$Prefix.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.lt.dist); nmds(phylip=$Prefix.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.lt.dist); amova(phylip=$Prefix.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.lt.dist, design=$Design); tree.shared(calc=braycurtis); unifrac.weighted(tree=$Prefix.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.tre, group=$Design, random=T)"
rm -f mothur.*.logfile;
rm -f *.rabund

Some simple visualization:


# alpha diveristy index
python $Script_dir/plot-diversity-index.py $Label "chao,shannon,invsimpson" "c,d" "SS.$Label.subsample.groups.summary" "test" "test.alpha"

# taxon distribution
python $Script_dir/plot-taxa-count.py 2 test.taxa.dist ../*.ssu.out/*.silva.taxonomy.count

# ordination
python $Script_dir/plot-pcoa.py  SS.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.lt.pcoa.axes  SS.$Label.subsample.braycurtis.$Label.lt.pcoa.loadings  test.beta.pcoa